Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I run.

On tonight's 10 miler I came to the realization I don't think I have blog ideas because I think about all the stuff that most people blog about while I run. I'll do my best to remember what I think about so I have something to notwrite about.
Some of my friends know how much I run, some don't. These are all my kicks I am currently alternating between. That collection will end up lasting me about a year.


  1. what makes you switch between pairs? do you have tuesday shoes, mountain shoes, go-best-with-these-shorts shoes?

  2. @ESB, I like those the best too, but they're discontinued. :(
    @Celia, that's the bedroom, I should show you all the rest of my colors, they're rad and I picked them out.
    @lauren, some get wet when I run in rain and need to dry, some just don't feel right some days, I trail run in the ones on the left, the red's are short race shoes. Basically, even shoes need to rest. Also, the most important rule of all... you are faster when you match.
