Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I want to see a movie

First, I don't call them films. I grew up calling them movies so that's what they are to me. I'll use film as a more detailed description of a movie, but in the end it's a movie.

I have a friend* that made a movie. I haven't seen it but I want to. It is apparently so rad that it is premiering at the Vancouver Film Festival. The movie is titled All Ages. I'm not sure when I'll actually get to see the movie but if you have the opportunity you better go; I might have to break your kneecaps if you don't. Maybe it'll show at True/False, a guy can dream.

I told her I wanted to meet the actress and she shot me down faster than Jerry Miculek. But come on, you have to admit she's a good looking chick.

*She's a twitter friend and an entertaining blogger that makes me laugh. Chances are I'll never meet her and her has-to-be-awesome-as-all-get-out husband but they do have an open invite to the cabin along with all my other twitter friends. Interweb friends are fun to have.

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